Our Commitment
First and foremost, we make a commitment when providing our clients with the services they have contracted. Not some of the services, not most of the services, not similar to the services, but the actual services contracted for.
Second, it is a fact that in many people’s minds private security is viewed as ‘less than a profession’. Unfortunately, this perception is sometimes justified by security companies that will not ‘raise the bar’ regarding hiring and performance standards. ASI will not be part of this unfortunate perception.
The overall quality of our services begins with the hiring process. Our approach to staffing is as follows; ASI does not field “guards”. We hire and train officers. Simply ‘filling shifts with bodies’ is an approach ASI will not embrace. The hiring, training, and supervision of our officers are processes that have been refined over the last 30 years. We believe, and our success indicates, we have the correct formula.
The State of Oregon Department of Public Safety, Standards, and Training regulates the security industry. This Department sets the curriculum for training and certification for persons seeking employment in the security industry throughout Oregon. Experience has shown that the implementation of those standards is not the same with all companies providing security services.
The law enforcement background of many of our administrative and training staff members influences the strictness with which we adhere to these standards. Therefore, our officers are trained to each state’s standards, but also have the added benefit of the experience of key personnel within the company as a resource for additional training.
The commitment to quality control is accomplished through our supervisory staff. In the field, posted site officers are supervised by patrol officers, many of whom are ranking officers within the company. Company supervisory procedures, established and refined years ago, have been proven with a consistent and successful outcome.
ASI is also committed to being able to accommodate the changing needs of our clients. Whether it is shift times, staffing levels, or the specific types of security services that need changing, we are flexible and can respond to the individual nuances of each client’s site, without jeopardizing the quality of our services.